Ohio’s Population and Median Household Income

A quick look at the statistics for the state of Ohio shows that the population has declined by 0.69% in the past two years. In addition, there is a slight increase in uninsured citizens in the state, as well as a decrease in the number of employed people. Another notable change in Ohio’s population is that the number of households that speak Spanish has increased to 21% of the total population.

Spanish is the most common non-English language spoken in households in Ohio

In 2019, 2.8 million non-Hispanic Americans speak Spanish at home. That makes it the most common non-English language in households. But the number of people speaking it at home doesn’t fully capture how many use it in their everyday lives. The United States is the second largest Spanish-speaking nation in the world.

Non-Hispanics also speak other languages at home. About one in three Americans (33%) speaks Swahili, while Mandarin is the language of the world’s richest individuals. Asian and Pacific Island languages, including Cambodian, Laotian, and Vietnamese, are also a popular choice among non-Hispanics.

Uninsured citizens in Ohio grew by 0.69% from 6.12% to 6.6%

The number of uninsured citizens in Ohio grew by 0.69% from 6.12% to 6.6% in 2019, marking the third year in a row that the rate has increased. Uninsured rates in 13 states grew, and nine states had increases in nonelderly uninsured individuals. In most states, the increase was driven by Medicaid expansion, but there were some exceptions.

The uninsured rate was lower in 2010 when the first provisions of the Affordable Care Act went into effect. However, as the economy recovered, the number of nonelderly uninsured increased.

Most partisan county in Ohio was Holmes County, OH

One of the most partisan counties in the state was Holmes County, OH. A small county located in the Ohio Amish Country, Holmes County has long been the domain of the Democrats. The county was a stronghold of the party from 1856 until 1940. But a recent study reveals that the Democrats are about to lose the seat in their own backyard.

Holmes County has the largest Amish community in the state. In the mid-1800s, every Democratic presidential candidate carried the county. Since then, the Republicans have reaped the benefits of the county’s voting power.

Public use microdata areas (PUMAs) in Ohio

Public Use Microdata Areas are a type of non-overlapping statistical geographic area. These areas are generally designed to cover the entire United States or a portion of it. They are defined as geographical regions with no fewer than 100,000 people. This means that these areas provide the most comprehensive wall-to-wall geography in the U.S.

The Census Bureau defines PUMAs for tabulation of the decennial census. In addition, they also allow for more detailed research and statistics. To that end, the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS) is a source of official statistics on the economy and labor market.

Employment decline from 5.36M employees to 5.36M employees

A cursory glance at the Ohio census revealed a 5.36M workforce compared to the 5.2M in 2007. For the first time since the Great Depression, the state has a population below one million people and more are moving in than out. With a flurry of emigres chasing a job here and there, it is a safe bet the state’s labor force will keep pace with the rest of the country. Fortunately, the state boasts an impressive array of industries and a sizable work force, most notably the retail, hospitality and telecommunications sectors.

Demographic data is gathered from the 2020 American Community Survey

The US Census Bureau gathers demographic data from the American Community Survey (ACS). ACS is a monthly survey of households that provides comprehensive labor force, employment, and earnings data. These data are used to provide information about population size, housing costs, and other socioeconomic characteristics for use in government and business activities.

ACS data products are based on information from the most recent decennial census. This is the only complete, accurate count of the total population in the U.S. It is also the foundation of representational government. ACS results inform the redistricting process and public health, and help shape transportation decisions.

Property taxes in Ohio

Property taxes in Ohio vary based on location and the value of your property. The state’s real estate tax rate is lower than other Midwestern states, but it can be higher than the national average.

Property taxes are a source of revenue for local governments. They are calculated based on the assessed value of a home. These rates can change over time. It is best to check with your county and city government to find out what you are paying.

Depending on the county, the assessed value may be less than the actual market value. If you suspect the value is inaccurate, you can request a reassessment.

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